US Sailing championships and their qualifiers may state in the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions which Grade that event will be governed by.
Event Grades
Grade 1:
Private/team coaching is permitted. Private coaches must have current US Sailing Smallboat Level 1 (or higher) Instructor Certification, or the equivalent from another World Sailing Member National Authority. Private coaches must also have current SafeSport Training from the U.S. Center for Safesport, and be individual or family members, all in good standing, of US Sailing and not otherwise ineligible to coach under the law, regulation, policies, and rules of the USOPC or it’s affiliated organizations.
US Sailing may also supply coaches who will be available to all competitors
Grade 2:
One or more US Sailing coaches will be supplied. No private/team coaching is permitted. Private/team spectator boats only if permitted in the NOR. The OA may arrange for spectator boats.
Grade 3:
No coaches. Private/team spectator boats only if permitted in the NOR. The OA may arrange for spectator boats.
Definition of terms
Private/Team Coach:
A coach who is not supplied by US Sailing is defined as a private coach.
Spectator boat
A vessel occupied by interested parties who have direct ties to one or more competitors.
Coach boat
A vessel occupied by a coach or coaches who have direct ties to one or more competitors.
A stationary flotation area which has been provided by the Organizing Authority located near to the racing area.
Other permitted actions and requirements
1) Other than at a Grade 1 event, no coaching or support (other than a US Sailing-supplied coach) is permitted from the time a competitor arrives at the venue each day until 1800 on practice days, and until the Chief Judge or Umpire releases the competitors on race days.
2) The OA may arrange for spectator boats or a platform that provides a location for boat rotation and spectating.
3) The OA may create separate zones for registered coaches and general spectator fleets. Only registered coaches shall operate boats in preferential coaching zones described by the OA.
4) The OA may implement a notice of race and/or sailing instruction limiting the competitors’ access to only registered coaches and other designated persons on race days.
5) Except when rendering assistance to a boat in danger, or at the request of the race committee, registered coaches shall remain outside the racing area or in the zone(s) designated by the race committee from the time of the preparatory signal for the first fleet to start until all boats have finished or the race committee signals an abandonment.