In 1982, US Sailing introduced its Senior Race Officer Recognition program. The Club Race Officer program followed in 1988.
These programs were designed to recognize qualified race officers throughout the country and to promote quality race management.
The Race Management Committee established qualifications, and recognition was granted for the lifetime of the individual. During the time these programs were active, over 1000 individuals were recognized. They have, collectively, made immense contributions to the sport by providing race management for countless races. Competitors throughout the country have benefited significantly from these volunteer services.
In 1994, US Sailing introduced an additional program to certify highly qualified race officers who were capable of running any level of regatta. These certifications were for renewable four year terms. At the end of 1998, when the program was replaced, there were 31 Certified Principal Race Officers. In 1998, a working group was formed to recommend a comprehensive program of race officer training and certification. This program replaced the three existing programs in 1999, and since the end of 1998, no additional people have been or will be recognized under the old Club and Senior Race Officer Programs. Current Recognized Club and Senior Race Officers will retain that honorary recognition for their lifetimes as long as they remain members of US Sailing.