Are electrical hazards at your sailing facility endangering your sailors?
There is a recent, unfortunate history of electrical lines located on the property of sailing facilities coming in contact with sailors and causing serious injury.
It is the on-going duty of an electric utility company to install and maintain it’s wires in such a way that they are not dangerous to persons or property. If electrical hazards are negatively impacting the safety of your sailors, please contact the utility company that owns the lines to request that they remedy the hazard at their cost. If the owner of the lines is not obvious, contact your local city hall, planning commission or county engineer to determine ownership and then request assistance.
Should this avenue prove unsuccessful in resolving the hazard, you could then elevate the matter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision (FERC). When requesting assistance, provide photo evidence of the hazards to your sailing facility and detail the danger posed by the proximity of the power lines to your waterways.