US Coast Guard Recognizes Standards Evaluators Program

Portsmouth, R.I. (August 5, 2015) – The National On-Water Skills Standard Grant Management Team is pleased to announce the establishment of a national recognition program for On-Water Skills Standard Evaluators recognized by the US Coast Guard. On-Water Skills Standard Evaluators who complete a targeted skills training program and meet minimum boating safety instruction educational experience will…Read More

California Approves US Powerboating Courses

PORTSMOUTH, R.I. (December 9, 2014) - The California Division of Boating and Waterways has approved US Powerboating’s Safe Powerboat Handling and Basic Powerboat Cruising courses. California becomes the 12th state to approve these courses that meet or exceed the requirements for safe boating education. US Powerboating is an affiliate of US Sailing, the National Governing…Read More

Maine Maritime Academy Earns US Powerboat Training Center Status

As more individuals are learning to become effective and safe powerboaters, US Powerboating has worked closely with over 30 US Powerboating and Training Centers to develop hands-on curriculum for courses to ensure we are certifying competent powerboat operators. US Powerboating is proud to add to its ranks, our fourth maritime academy and 31st certified US…Read More