The Reach Program

Click here to view US Sailing’s STEM Education Series, Educator Guide: Middle School Modules 1-10.

The Reach Program utilizes sailing as an educational platform, challenging youth to embrace education, establish a love of learning and explore productive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) based careers. Combining educators, sailing instructors, engineers, scientists with today’s youth to provide them with a one of a kind authentic learning experience, giving students the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a cooperative work environment.


US Sailing’s REACH program strives to engage youth and enhance career opportunities in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Environmental Stewardship through authentic learning experiences.


  • Provide guidance, feedback and direction for organizations seeking to improve their own curricula, lessons plans and programming.
  • Build a national curriculum that connects academics and sailing through authentic learning experiences.
  • Inspire students to become environmental stewards and socially responsible individuals.


The REACH program provides curriculum, resources, and connections to support schools, sailing centers and organizations utilizing sailing as an educational platform. If you would like to implement the REACH program at your school, sailing center or your organizationcontact us.” – Jessica Servis, Reach Program Manager


Reach featured in the March issue of WindCheck, “US Sailing’s REACH at Forefront of Education Innovation” link to full article


The Reach program originated from the hard work and dedication of Community Boating Center in Providence, Rhode Island. For the past three years they have worked with US Sailing and their local schools to develop a STEM education program for middle school students in Providence. Thanks to grant from the John B. and Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation,US Sailing created the REACH program. The grant has enabled US Sailing to offer five grants in the fall of 2012 to sailing programs nationwide working with schools to implement the REACH program and test curriculum. The following sailing centers are working with local schools and youth organizations to implement the Reach program: New England Science and Sailing, Life Sail, Edison Sailing Center, Community Sailing Center on Lake Champlain, and Community Boating Center in Providence.