About International 14
The International Fourteen is one of the world’s premier sailing classes. It is a two-person, two trapeze skiff, with an unlimited area asymmetric spinnaker and 200 square feet of combined mainsail and headsail area. Carbon hulls and carbon rigs, with square-head mainsails, and foiling rudders, provide exceptional performance. While the relatively open class rules leave plenty of room for experiment, encouraging innovation. The Fourteen is for sailors looking for a fast, challenging boat in which they can develop their own ideas while sailing in the company of a group of like-minded, open and welcoming competitors.
The Fourteen is the oldest International dinghy class, having been granted the status by the then IYRU in 1928. Yet the roots of the class go back even further, to the sailing of various 14 foot dinghies/skiffs in various locations around the world in the late 1800’s. This gives the class its fantastic sense of history – and to sail a Fourteen has always been to sail something special.
Despite the history, the development nature of the class means that the boats themselves have always been at or near the forefront of small boat technology. While International status has meant that the class has played a key role in spreading ideas worldwide. Over the years, the Fourteen has been a major driver of both the development, and international adoption, of new ideas affecting all aspects of dinghy/skiff design.
Today the Fourteen is one of the most challenging, exciting, technical and ultimately satisfying boats to sail. Fourteens, the class saying goes, are forever; once you’ve tried one, no other boat will be quite the same.
Boats Produced: 1000’s of International 14’s have been produced since the boats inception 100 years ago, with 100’s of modern rules boats available in North America and worldwide
Class boat builder(s):
Henderson Boat Company: https://www.facebook.com/HendersonBoatCompany
Ovington Boats: https://www.ovingtonboats.com/shop/international-78.html
Composite Craft: https://www.compositecraft.co.uk
Approximately how many boats are in the USA/North America? 100+
Where is your One-Design class typically sailed in the USA? List regions of the country:
CA: San Diego, Long Beach, Cabrillo Beach, Santa Barbara, San Francisco Bay (Richmond); PNW: Columbia River Gorge, Seattle; Kaneohe Bay, HI. Smaller fleets in Ohio & Minnesota
Does this class have a spinnaker or gennaker? Yes
Ideal combined weight of range of crew: No ideal weights: typically teams range from 350-380 lbs total: however lighter crews can utilize flatter sails, heavier crews fuller sails.
Portsmouth Yardstick Rating: 780
Boat Designed in The International 14 is a box design rule that’s evolved over the years. First designed in 1928, the rule has evolved to always be on the leading edge of sailing and boat building technology.
Beam: 6 feet at the widest point including hiking racks.
Weight of rigged boat without sails: Minimum hull weight is 70kg (154.3 lb), without mast and foils. There is no minimum weight for masts, rigging, or foils
Draft: Typically 6′ with board down. Open design rule allows for variance.
Mast Height: 25′ .02″